Hey everyone! This week has been awful. Today, I spent time going over our rules, had a class meeting, changed seats to start fresh. We still came back from Art with a bad report. I'm out of ideas, and I'm running on fumes at this point. But instead of complain, I'm going to summarize what we're doing right now in 3rd Grade in Room 144!
Writing: We're currently working on personal narratives. The prompt is "My Lightbulb Moment". A time when they learned something. I have two kids writing about how they learned to play bay blades [sp?], but hey, they are reluctant writers, so at least they are writing. I'll post pictures of our final projects in the coming weeks.
Reading: After finishing up Text Elements, we've moved on to Sequencing. My reading routine still has kinks and bumps. We're molding and intertwining Learning Focused Units, Scott Foresman, and Making Meaning. On top of that, I'm doing centers for about 35 minutes a day. So its tough to fit everything in. Making Meaning is seeming to take the biggest hit, but I'm really trying to make it work!
Math: We've just begun multiplication. I'm trying to write a Learning Focused Unit as I go. Our curricular resource is Investigations, but it does a horrible job of teaching the common core and preparing for the state test [ugh, don't get me started!]. So I'm making a lot of resources and filling in the gaps. Considering my team plans without me, I kind of have to fend for myself. But like I said in a previous post, math is my happy place. I'm confident my unit will be solid!
Science: We're currently knee deep in our Earth Material FOSS kit. I teach science to my class and another class, so we get through units a little slower than I'd like. Next week, we will be looking at 4 minerals and describing their properties, including doing calcite and scratch tests.
I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my room! If you have ANY suggestions for any of the above content, please share!
If I could give myself two stars & a wish for my blog, they would be..
Star 1: I almost have 10 followers! Almost 10 people are interested in what I have to say!
Star 2: I'm putting myself out there & sharing my ideas/life. & posting more than once a year.
Wish 1: I need more pictures and freebies.
Solution to my wish: Put batteries in my camera & take some darn pics! And figure out how to post to google docs!