Well, hello and goodbye November. I'm with the rest of you! Where has this month gone? Between storm days, professional development, and holidays, I feel like I haven't been in my classroom.
Well, I really haven't actually.
I had a professional development today, which was held in the building, and it was related to data teams and PLCs. I won't get into the details. But I will say one thing.
I missed my kids!
They waved to me as they walked by the conference room from special. They hugged me when I was out in the hallway on a break and they were on their way back from lunch. I felt like such a sap.
Anyway, nothing of too much relevance to post about today. Sorry for my MIA-ness and lack of legit posts. I'm not forcing myself to blog, just when I feel like it. So thanks for sticking with me during this prolonged feeling of being uninspired. =)
But hey, how about a currently? Better late than never.
Listening: Can't get enough HIMYM. Thank goodness I can DVR the new ones with my class being on Mondays!
Loving: Am I the only one who loves Christmas music. I turn up the radio just a little louder during the holiday season.
Thinking: The personal life has been looking up lately. =)
Wanting: See ramblings at beginning of post. I want to do what I do best, teach my chick-a-dees!
Needing: So. Much. To. Do.
Music: I don't really play music during transitions or anything, but I do a lot of singing. Not relevant songs about content or anything. No, I just sing directions. Or compliments. Or reminders.
C'mon. "Boys and girls, please focus!" sounds a lot better when sung in an opera voice, no? =)