Thursday, January 5, 2012


I'm feeling antsy. Can't bring myself to go to bed, even though its approaching 11pm.

Cranky Meg tomorrow.
Extra large coffee Meg tomorrow.

On another note, I had a random 2 hour delay today. Trust me, Garfield here isn't complaining. [side bar-- the BF calls me this because I love lasagna and sleep, and I hate Mondays. I assume it's a term of endearment.] There was seriously a dusting of snow on the ground when I crawled out of bed to answer my phone & look out the window. I mean, I know I live about a half an hour north of where I teach, but I can't imagine it being much worse there. Anyway, I showered, got ready, & went to school at regular time to be productive. Haha, yeah right. I rolled over and reset the alarm. [Reminder: Garfield] Got to work later on and the parking lot was full. I guess most of my colleagues were feeling ambitious. I justify this by staying at work later than most every day!

I'm WAY off track here! I NEED to respond to the awards I've been given. I need to express that this has been a great week for me in the world that is blogging. I've surpassed 50 follows & received my first awards! At first, I was all "whatevvvv" about having followers. But recently, I've been so flattered that people are following me. I hope that in the future [near future, I have a few 3 day weekends coming up], that I can post materials that I've been making. I hope that others can benefit from my materials like I benefit from theirs. Oh shucks, I'm getting all sentimental. Let's get on with it!

1. Show your appreciation to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog.

I was given this award by Amber at Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher and Chrissy at Buzzing with Ms. B! Click their blog names to venture over. Just from reading their blogs, I feel like I know them! I feel like Amber and I have similar personalities/teaching styles. And Chrissy makes me laugh with every post. Thanks for being great, ladies!

2. Nominate five baby blogs of 200 followers or less by posting a comment on their blog.

I know this award made its way around blog world. I noticed a ton of people receiving it when I first started [when I had like 3 followers, which were probably following me by accident]. So if my nominees have already gotten it & responded to it, you won't hurt my feelings if you don't post it, scouts honor! [& Some of you might have a little more than 200 followers. I guess all the blogs I follow are very popular already!] If you haven't already, check them out!

The Teaching Thief

3. Post the award on your blog.

It's up there fool.

4. Encourage others to check out these blogs.

I'm too tired to encourage. Look at those cutie pie buttons/blog names How can you resist!


PHEW. Maybe this was a little ambitious for an 11pm post. But I tread on!

Next, I was given this...

1. Thank the person who presented the award to you and link back to them.

Thank you SO much Elisabeth at Twins, Teaching, and Tacos. Now, I don't have twins, but I love teaching and tacos. It was actually taco day at lunch. I give a fist pump when the announcements say the following lunch  items: tacos, cheese sticks, and broccoli and cheese soup. And now my kids fist pump with me. Even if they don't like these food items. Haha, whatever I can do to foster the excitement. Or act like an idiot. Anyway, go check her out! I love reading her blog!

2. Tell seven things about yourself.

            1. Naming [insert number here] things about myself brings me back to my sorority days. I poured my heart and soul into Zeta Tau Alpha while in college. It taught me so much, and I miss everything that goes along with it. I'd like to join an alumna chapter once I get settled somewhere!
            2. I'm an animal foster mom! I'm a huge advocate for adopting, spaying/neutering, etc. If I didn't work with kids, I'd want to work with animals.
            3. I am one of two teachers in my building who is not married. & my other one is in a LTR on the way to a ring. Yeah, I feel very behind on life experience!
            4. My sink is dripping right now. The outlet in my bathroom doesn't work. I hate living in an apartment and having to call maintenance. Because I'd probably screw it up more trying to fix these things myself.
            5. I've been hardcore craving pizza lately. Not good. Because I need to work on my beach bod. Becauseee.....
            6. I'm going to Jamaica over spring break with the boyfriend! Stoked!
            7. I'm struggling to decide what to get my masters degree in. I've wanted to be a guidance counselor my whole life. But with so many cuts going on, many counseling jobs are hanging in the balance. I hate for that to change my decision, but hey, broke chick has to be practical!

3. Pass this on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know they've received the award.

Same goes with the last award. If you've received it, no need to repost & such! & I don't know if these are new blogs, but they are faves to me! And sorry I crossed out the 15. I'm getting tired & don't know if I'll make it that far! Plus, so many people have already gotten it! Sorry-- I'm a rule breaker.


Juice Boxes and Crayolas


Okay. Longest. Post. Ever. I'll comment to all of you chickadees tomorrow bestowing these awards upon you. Aaaandd, now its midnight. Tomorrow morning isn't going to be pretty. Night!


  1. I'm the only teacher at school who isn't married!! We only have like 6 teachers but whatever. I still feel like a little kid or something, haha!! Have fun in Jamaica, so jealous!!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. Congratulations on your awards!!!
    Your Garfield stuff cracked me up!
    I LOVE Jamaica - we went to Ocho Rios. Every-ting be ai-ree or however it's spelled. :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  3. I LOVE the emphasis on the S! Totally made me smile really big!!!! I love reading your blog too!

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  4. LOVE your blog! I also gave you an award over at my blog :)

  5. Thanks for the award!!! Congrats on your awards!!!

  6. Thank you so much for the award and congratulations on your awards :) Love your blog :)

    Living A Wonderful Life

  7. Thanks for the award. I'm your newest follower. :) ~Amanda The Teaching Thief
