Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The title says it all.

At least tomorrow is already Thursday.

I hit 50 followers! Giveaway [& an actual post] coming soon.

But let's be honest, my kids have sucked the life out of me the past two days.

So, will you take a raincheck?

See you this weekend!


  1. Two other teachers and I were just saying the same thing today. What in the world? Usually the kids come back after break calm, cool, and ready to learn. At our school...not so much. Hoping tomorrow is better :)

  2. I nominated you for a blog award!

    Come by and check it out!
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  3.'s almost Friday! My kids were dead to the world, on Tuesday, our first day back. But the last two days they made up for it! Yikes! I feel your pain.

    Sara :)

    Smiling in Second Grade
